Auto loan calculator by payment amount

You can use an online calculator to find out how much your monthly auto loan payment will be. Based on the annuity formula, the monthly payment is calculated according to the size of the deposit plus interest.

Auto loan calculator by payment amount:

Loan amount
Interest rate
Number of years
Rate of interest compounded
Please, Enter all values correctly.
Payment amount


P = ( r * A ) / ( 1 – (1+r)-N)


P = Payment Amount
A = Loan Amount
r = Rate of Interest (compounded)
N = Number of Payments
Rate of Interest Compounded is,


Monthly, r = i / 1200 и N = n * 12
Quarterly, r = i / 400 и N = n * 4
Half yearly, r = i / 200 и N = n * 2
Yearly, r = i / 100 и N = n